Saturday, April 6, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.  

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting Burmese-style with my hands on my knees. 

Experience: I closed my eyes and immediately perceived my visual field "vibrating" at about six or eight times per second. Concentration was diffuse, there was physical and psychic pain, and stories and tape-loops occurred. I dozed off a few times. Then the vibrations took on a chunky sort of character and physical pain and diffuse concentration were gone. Concentration became fine and the vibrations increased in speed. I dozed off a few more times. Vibrations became less chunky and "smoothed-out" as they increased even more in speed. Background process like hope, effort, watching, expectation, etc became objects in the field. I dozed off a few more times. "Formations" began to become evident somewhere around when the vibrations got chunky and continued to be evident as they (the vibrations) became fine and smooth. Then the session ended.

Observations: I'm super tired today. Its been a long week and both last night and the night before I closed my eyes and instead of falling asleep (almost always a given, and immediate) I was meditating. I would eventually fall asleep, but only to wake up again in meditation. This doesn't mean these involuntary "sessions" were easy or effortless, they were just involuntary. I feel like this session ended in "High Equanimity". This seems impossibly fast given where I was on  the maps a week ago. It makes me wonder if where I am is not where I think I am. It also makes me excited that maybe I am where I think I am, and that's far along fast. I think I'll keep meditating . . . and maybe sleep in tomorrow.

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