Sunday, March 3, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting Burmese-style with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I closed my eyes and it took a few moments before my concentration settled on my visual field. It was vibrating at about ten times per second. My skin was crawling too; the sensations vibrating at about the same speed. I was in touch with feelings of hopelessness, depression, a lot of anxiety - all of which were vibrating too when I turned my attention on them. There was a minor light shows  behind my eyelids and I dropped into some stories and tape loops for a few minutes, popping out of them at various times to observe my thoughts arise and pass on their own without my having to "do" anything. Then things seemed to even-out and the vibrations started to get a little difficult to label as sight, sound, feeling, etc. I focused my attention on really trying to see the Three Characteristics in each vibration and felt very sad when I realized that none of these things were me or not me - I don't know why that made me sad, but it was destabilizing and the sadness was very heartfelt. I stayed with these multi-sense-door vibrations and continued to look for the Three Characteristics until the timer went off signaling the end of the session - which times, by the way, was really jarring.

Observations: This session felt very deep in that it felt like coming up from under water when the timer went off. There was a few second interval while I sort of "stopped" observing vibrations and "started" interacting with the real world again.

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