Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting Burmese-style with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I was excited to go into this session. I closed my eyes and immediately perceived my visual field vibrating at about six times per second. After a very short while (a minute or two?) my awareness naturally shifted to my skin, and the vibrations sped up a lot, to maybe fifteen times per second. Formations presented and contained data from multiple sense-doors. Background mental processes were objects to the same extent that any other "thing" was an object. Impermanence was predominant and was the one of the Three Characteristics I focused on observing. I tried to observe each phase of each vibration: from nothing to nothing. Vibrations almost seemed composed of micro-vibrations. There was a sense of evenness or smoothness, as if attention were so finely trained on each formation that there was nothing "missed". Although I observed thoughts and emotions arise and pass, and they all certainly had their own character (pleasant, unpleasant, lustful, bored, etc), there was an even sense of, well, equanimity, to the observer, which observer and which sense of equanimity were equally objects composing formations.

Observations: N/A.

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