Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience:  Awareness settled on touch-sense. Touch-sensations arose and passed around 12 times per second. Awareness shifted to sight-sense; those sensations arose and passed at 12 times per second as well. Concentration and equanimity were low. I reminded myself of what the Three Characteristics are.
Mind-sensations were difficult to observe as not "me", just a sixth category of sensation. I fell into a series of stories. After maybe four or five stories, the speed of sensations quickened to around 18 times per second, and the character of sensations smoothed-out a bit. There was physical pain. There was aversion to pain and to meditating. I wanted to stop meditating. I continued to meditate. Equanimity increased. Realization: "I" was not the cause of perceiving sensations, sensations were perceived without "me", and that to the extent there was a "me", it was just a part of the moment of perceiving. Not-self came to the fore. Mind-sensations were just sensations. White light. An almost physical "clunk" of awareness doing something. More pain. More aversion. Less equanimity. Less concentration. Then less pain and aversion and more concentration and equanimity. A kind of cycling between these. The timer went off. I was startled.

Observations: N/A.

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