Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience:  Awareness settled on touch-sense and after a moment sight-sense as well. The two flickered in and out of existence in tandem at a rate of about 10 times per second. The "out of existence" voids were opaque and cavernous. The flickering had a rough quality to it, like chop on the ocean.
I reminded myself what the Three Characteristics are. Over the course of perhaps a minute or two, the flickering sped up to about 16 or 18 times per second and smoothed out too. Concentration and equanimity didn't seem particularly high at the time, but in retrospect they were off the charts high. Awareness-stimulus-organ "contacts" arose and passed at all six sense-doors. Experience began to be defined more by awareness of a moment versus void of non-awareness than by the nature of the particular contact being experienced (for example, sound); I'll go ahead and call this "formations". I dropped into a brief story. I popped out and the meditation continued as before. Then there was a dip into non-awareness for a moment. A brief  bliss-wave through the body, and then lights behind my eyelids, REM, eyes rolling into the back of my head, then back down, and extreme mental quietude. Then back to the formations, of which physical and psychological "pain" were components. I put quote marks because the sensations that made up the "pain" were not felt as painful, or happening to some separate "me". They were just happening and observable more as just another sensation in the body - they were just happening in their moments, along with everything else. Then a dip into non-awareness and the whole thing repeated once more. Then back into formations, with the moments flickering in and out of existence smoothly and rapidly until the session ended.

Observations: This is new territory for me. I feel like I'm always saying that about meditations! But it is new to me. I'm still sussing-out what this all is and what it means. I feel like I really could use an extended retreat to  investigate this new quality of experience - 45 minutes a day is great, don't get me wrong, this just feels like a whole new vista that I don't quite "get" at this stage of the game. Oh well. Onward we go.

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