Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience:  I closed my eyes and awareness settled on touch-sense. Touch-sensations flickered in and out of existence at a rate of about ten times per second. Sensations at all six sense-doors were observable when awareness alighted on them. Concentration and equanimity were high. I reminded myself what the Three Characteristics are and that sensations will do their thing without involvement by a "me". After a bit I fell into a story; I popped out concentration and equanimity had both increased a little and sensations were flickering faster than before. Sensations were clearly visible as either existing or not existing. Multiple sense-doors were stimulated simultaneously - I believe these were "formations". Then *blip* - consciousness was gone for a moment - I believe this was a "fruition".
A bliss wave moved through the body. Then all sorts of visuals and some weird rapid-eye-movement. A brief period of lowered concentration and equanimity; anxiety and fear were present. Then concentration and equanimity were high again. Lather, rinse, repeat four five times. I was able to spot the door of one fruition (not self). Then the session ended.

Observations: This session was pretty similar to the last with the exception of being able to spot a fruition-door. I experimented a bit with "calling up" various stages of the progress of insight at will, as people in the fruition stage can supposedly do, and had some moderate success, which was kind of cool. I'm a little suspicious of what is going on though - uncharted territory.

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