Sunday, July 7, 2013


Time: 65 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience:  I closed my eyes and
immediately fell into a series of short stories. Equanimity was high, but concentration was low. Eventually, awareness settled on the sense of touch. Sensations were flickering in and out of existence at a rate of about five times per second or so. I reminded myself to watch each sensation for the Three Characteristics and to watch out for a sense of "me" observing (and if I saw that, to trace it to the applicable Aggregate). I fell in and out of stories and slowly Concentration picked-up. After a while, Equanimity and Concentration were both high, and sensations were presenting maybe a dozen times per second or more. Data from multiple sense-doors was presenting simultaneously (what I call "Formations"). But, though I felt like speed and precision were up, and the selfing process was more or less "phoning it in", really seeing the Three Characteristics in each sensation proved very hard. This was a very, very slippery session that way.

Observations: I have the strangest feeling of being close to the objective, but hopelessly lost at the same time; as if caught up in a hedge-maze or something.

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