Monday, July 22, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience:  I closed my eyes and awareness settled on touch-sense. Sensations flickered in and out of existence at a rate of about five times per second. Concentration and Equanimity were moderate. There were sensations of fear and anxiety. I reminded myself what the Three Characteristics are. I fell into a brief story, popped out, fell into another, popped out again. Sensations sped-up quite a bit - I'm not really sure how fast they were going. Concentration and Equanimity were high. The Three Characteristics were clearly apparent in each sensation. The arbitrary assignment of "self" to sensations was very visible. Sensations began to present simultaneously from multiple sense-doors. The yawning chasm of nothingness between sensations almost had a gravity to it. From a visual perspective, I fell into blackness. It spread from a pool in the visual field until everything was empty blackness. Non-visual sensations were still presenting, but vision was blackness. This experience faded and vision "came on line" again. Sensations were still presenting simultaneously from multiple sense-doors. Realizations came. One after another about self and other, two sides of the same coin. The skin tingled. This session seemed to go on and on.

Observations: This week has been busy. My wife and I moved so the last several days have been all about cleaning, packing, assembling, and unpacking. Its been exhausting and my home office is still essentially solid boxes. That's why I haven't updated this blog for a while . . . no computer or internet. But I continued to meditate during this time, and the session described above (though a little farther out there than they have been on average) is about par for the course. "Visions" of other people who are "me". Realizations piling up on each other. Its been far out. I'll keep you apprized.

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