Thursday, July 4, 2013


Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience:  I closed my eyes and reminded myself to watch for a "felt sense of the observer" and to see which of the Five Aggregates was being assigned this sense, and then see the Three Characteristic's in that aggregate. Awareness settled on the sense of touch. Sensations were arising, doing their thing, and passing at a rate of about six per second. Concentration and equanimity were both moderate. I fell into a little story and popped back. Observed touch-sensations flickering in and out of existence. Then fell into a story again. This happened two or three times. Then I popped out and concentration and equanimity were both high. Sensation/sense-organ/consciousness (contact) would occur, a feeling-tone would arise, a thought, then an urge; lather, rinse, repeat. The assigned sense of self would be to one of those aggregates, and wherever it was seen, the chain would end and the urge to observe sensate phenomena would start the chain over. I fell into stories several more times. The "assigning" of self seems to be less, I don't know, "passionate" maybe, this last session. Its as if the meditator is starting to catch on that selfing is fiction - that there is nothing that is self more or less than anything else, and that the process of selfing is inherrently and endlessly flawed. 

Observations: This last session was tiring, but not as exhausting as they have been on average lately. Couple that with the fact that the selfing process is happening with a little less enthusiasm and certainty than it has been in the past, and I think the meditator may be catching on. Time will tell.

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