Saturday, June 22, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I closed my eyes and observed sight-sensations flickering in and out of existence at about five or six times per second. Strength of concentration was moderate; equanimity was low. I reminded myself that all of "this" was not me, not permanent, and not satisfying, and that the process of observation was itself an object. Awareness shifted to touch-sensations and the rate of flickering increased slightly to maybe eight times per second. I fell into a little story and then snapped back. Concentration was increased, but equanimity was way down - maybe gone. There was fear and anxiety. There was a visceral realization that there is only this fleeting moment - that "future" and "past" are fictions. There was more fear. Flickering got subtle. Sometimes a sense-object would present, and then a mental "reflex" spurred by the sense-object. The mental reflex was sort of what I think of when I think of "observation" - but not quite. It was clear neither was "me". I fell into a story again and snapped back. More flickering of sense-objects; sometimes observation of the mental "reflex". Another story. More flickering. And so it went until near the end, when the entire experience became very rarefied. Flickering was way, way subtle. There was a sense of three-dimensional space. There was some low level anxiety. There was fatigue. The session ended.

Observations: This was newish territory. Interesting and a little exciting. Also a little daunting. I'm really trying to focus on observing sense-objects and the mental sort of reflection they sometimes stir up, and to see the Three Characteristics in both. That's the practice. Its taken me here.

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