Saturday, May 4, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting Burmese-style with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I closed my eyes and immediately perceived my visual field "vibrating" at about eight to ten times per second. Concentration was high and vibrations were crisp and clear. Awareness shifted to my sense of touch and the "vibrations" sped-up to maybe twelve times per second (maybe more). I slipped into a little story and snapped back. Concentration was increased. "Formations" were evident. Equanimity was very high. I repeatedly changed into "Boundless Space" and "Boundless Consciousness", but fell out of them each fairly quickly for lack of effort to solidify them in favor of focusing on the "Three Characteristics". The foregoing cycle repeated maybe three or four times.

Observations: The theme of this session was equanimity. Everything was just fine, as it was. Reality was fluxing FAST. This is familiar territory, but with a twist I can't quite put my finger on. I feel like I'm missing something. Like there's something to be understood or "seen" that is just out of reach. I'm considering setting-up a one-on-one with a dharma teacher - but I'm still waffling on that issue. Anyway . . . another day, another dollar.

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