Thursday, May 23, 2013

Time: 45 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting in a chair with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I closed my eyes and observed visual sensations flickering in and out of existence at about six times per second. Awareness shifted almost immediately from visual sensations to tactile sensations, and the speed seemed to increase dramatically.  Concentration was moderate and the flickering had a "fine" quality to it. Within a few minutes I was sucked into a story. I popped back out and there was greater spaciousness to awareness than before. Concentration was slightly higher. Thoughts and feelings were sensations, flickering in and out of existence, to be observed as objects just as any other sensations were. Lather, rinse, repeat and then the session ended. There was some minor anxiety and terror observed in there too, but nothing totally freaky. There were also several periods where it seemed like perception itself was shacking, sort of rattling in and out of existence - but the experience wasn't as grand as that sounds and was kind of disconcerting and in any case, brief.

Observations: N/A.

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