Saturday, May 18, 2013

Observations: Today is just gonna be observations. Its been three days since my last post. The first day I didn't meditate. I had some errands I had to run during my usual meditation time and I just never found a replacement time period to meditate that day. The second day I had an off-the-cushion fruition during a midday meeting - which was a little weird. Then I meditated later on (38 minutes or so) but I didn't post about it. I don't remember a ton about that session except that the cycling I've usually been doing through the nanas took a lot longer. I had one or two events that seemed like fruitions. Then the session ended. Today I meditated for my usual 45 minute time period, but had no fruitions. The session was full of stories and tape loops and later on a high-degree of physical pain. I can't be sure, but I feel like if I was in Review before, I've dropped out. Time will tell.

I had an interesting thought today though, while meditating. There were kids "playing" outside (or something) and they were doing a lot of yelling and screaming and such. I was in the middle of noting that all the sense-data that I was perceiving, including the act of perception, was not "me" when it occurred to me that the sounds of those kids playing were me to the extent that anything else I could perceive was me. That was kind wild.

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