Sunday, January 8, 2012

Time: 60 minutes

Situation: In a quiet room with my eyes closed, 1/4 lotus with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I settled my attention on the area just inside my nostrils and observed the breath pass to and fro across that area paying special attention to the interplay between the sensation and my mental impression of that sensation (vibrations). The vibrations were perhaps ten per second. Without getting into too much detail, I felt as though I rapidly cycled through the first ten stages of insight in five minutes or so, and landed squarely in eleven.

At first, the vibrations were exceptionally fine and included only my experience of the interplay between the physical experience of the breath and the mental perception of that experience. But slowly, and in a jarring sort of way, the vibrations began to include not just the breath (touch), but all my senses, including mind. It was as though my senses in each moment were suspended on a piece of paper (inadequate metaphor) and the pile of paper that made-up my experiential universe over time was being gone through flip-book style in front "me" even though essentially everything that is "me" was on that paper. As in my last sessions, the sense of a Watcher was palpable.

Observations: This session was taxing - maybe its just that I'm tired but I found it hard to muster the energy to keep-up with the experience of my sense-universe, and then when everything shifted out of my head and body to "out there" to be observed like a rapid frame-by-frame of my existence, that was just bizarre. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed to say the least.

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