Friday, January 6, 2012

Time: 60 minutes

Situation: In a quiet room with my eyes closed, 1/4 lotus with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I settled my attention on the area just inside my nostrils and observed my breath cross that area, watching the interplay between the sensation and my mental impression of the sensation. Shortly, I observed a sensation of pressure build up between my eyes and I shifted my attention to that - again, watching the interplay between mental impression and sensation. There were some low-grade light shows behind my eyelids, big spots and dull sheet-lightning. My mind was still pretty unsettled, and I often caught myself playing stories and tape loops.

Then things really opened up and evened out. What I mean by that is that my mental perspective became much more spacious (in fact there was a point where I had the distinct and prolonged sensation of being suspended out over the edge of a precipice without sides or bottom) and my perception of things took on a quality of exceptionally fine TV snow rather the more "chunky" vibratory quality I have been experiencing until now. This TV snow thing got finer and finer. Towards the end of the session I began to experience difficulty delineating where my physical body began and ended. Also, my concept of time departed from what I've come to associate with the norm - for example, this session really flew by.

Observations: This session started out mildly rocky, but even so was way more pleasant to sit through than the ones preceding it, and had a really relaxed easy-going quality that seemed to increase the longer I sat - towards the end this quality felt just incredibly refined and subtle.

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