Friday, February 15, 2013

Time: 30 minutes.

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, sitting Burmese-style with my hands on my knees.

Experience: I closed my eyes and was instantly in touch with my visual field vibrating at perhaps four to six times per second. I observed this for a while and the frequency of vibrations seemed to all of a sudden "jump" after a few minutes to maybe ten or twenty times per second. I observed a lot of visual "effects" behind my eyelids this seemed to recur throughout this sitting maybe half a dozen times, and consisted of bright lights, shifting masses of color, dots, etc. There was also a lot of overlap where I seemed to observe data from two sense-doors or more at the same time, like touch and sight, taste and sight, etc. I also experienced doubt and fear several times during this sitting. All of the above was vibrating rapidly, as if each set of data was a playing card in a deck that someone was very quickly flipping through, and each playing card of data was hitting me in the face as it flipped by.

Observations: It felt like I was cycling through a couple of the nanas during this sitting. Maybe entering Dark Night territory. I plan on reviewing the "Progress of Insight" section in Ingram's Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha to get a more concrete idea of what is going on.

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