Friday, December 30, 2011

Time: 35 minutes

Situation: A quiet room with my eyes closed, half lotus.

Experience: I started out with my focus on the breath, trying to perceive the fine vibrations of my own perception of it. In less than a minute, a sensation of pressure built-up between my eyebrows, and I shifted my attention to that. I began to perceive non-linear cascades of physical pleasure moving through my body - mostly my arms and torso. There were blips of light behind my eye-lids; some like sheet-lightening, some like sparks. The light-thing didn't last too long, but happened a few times throughout the session. My though process slowed down a lot and I could spot thoughts the moment they formed and examine their appearance, existence, and then fading away (almost immediately) into nothing. This thought-examining process went on for some time. Then I seemed to drop out of focus. I played a long fantasy story in my head before I realized what was going on. I moved back to the thought-examining process then ended the session.

Observations: I seem to be moving to a stage of slow-thought/equanimity fairly quickly lately, but once I'm there I find I "don't really know what to do with myself" in terms of the object of meditation. This sounds like the Fourth Jhana to me - which means (if that's true) that I could go on to the fifth, or use the Fourth to examine my perceptual experience of reality. I'm not really clear and how to do either.

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